
St. Anne's University Hospital Brno

contact person: Mgr. Věra Kolouchová
phone: +420 543 183 400

contact person: Gabriela Judasová
phone: +420 543 183 245

address: Pekařská 53
602 00, Brno
Millenium Center, 3rd floor, part C
GPS: 49°11'22.8"N 16°36'00.5"E GPS: 49°11'22.8"N 16°36'00.5"E

International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital Brno

contact person: Mgr. Dominika Mochová
phone: +420 543 185 530

contact person: Mgr. Karolína Macharáčková
phone: +420 543 185 488

address: Pekařská 53
602 00, Brno
Millenium Center, 3rd floor, part B
GPS: 49°11'22.8"N 16°36'00.5"E GPS: 49°11'22.8"N 16°36'00.5"E

How to get to the hospital

  • the main entrance is at Pekařská Street
  • entrance from Hybešova street
  • through the Millenium Center building
  • entrance from Mendel Square (Mendlovo náměstí)

How to get there from the bus station Zvonařka / from the main train station / from the bus station U Grandu / from the city center:

From the bus stop Autobusové nádraží take bus No. 84 to the Mendlovo náměstí stop. When traveling from the city center (or if you came to Brno by train to the main railway station or by bus to the U Grandu railway station), take tram no. 1 or no. 2 from the Hlavní nádraží stop to the Hybešova stop.

			The way from the bus station Zvonařka to the bus stop No. 84.

The way from the bus station Zvonařka
to the bus stop No. 84.

			The way from the bus station U Grandu to the tram stop Hlavní nádraží.

The way from the bus station
U Grandu to the tram stop Hlavní nádraží.

By car:

You can park your car directly on the premises of the St. Anne's University Hospital. The entrance is through the gatehouse at from Mendel´s square. If the vehicle leaves within 30 minutes of the time of entry, the parking fee is free. Parking up to 2 hours from the time of entry is 60 CZK for each hour. Parking over 2 hours from the time of entry is 100 CZK for each hour.

Parking is also available in nearby parking lots and streets. This parking may be subject to a charge. Further information can be found on the websites of the operators of these car parks.

Where can you find the HR Department?

When you come through the main entrance on Pekařská Street, walk around the reception desk and go down the corridor to the left, through the glass tunnel you will reach the atrium, at the end you will turn right and at the end of this corridor you will come to elevators and stairs. Go down to the ground floor and exit the building. Go past the staff catering building („Bistro u sv. Anny“) so the catering building is on your right side and then turn right. Enter the Millennium Center building (on your left side) and take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd floor. HR department is on the left side.

After arriving at the Hybešova tram stop continue straight down the street to the Millenium Center building (Hybešova street no. 42). Then take the passageway to enter the courtyard. The door of the building part C is in the left back corner and is marked with a yellow letter C. Enter and take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd floor. HR department is on the left side.

Where can you find the HR department of the International Clinical Research Center?

When you come through the main entrance on Pekařská Street, walk around the reception desk and go down the corridor to the left, through the glass tunnel you will reach the atrium, at the end you will turn right and at the end of this corridor you will come to elevators and stairs. Go down to the ground floor and exit the building. Go past the staff catering building („Bistro u sv. Anny“) so the catering building is on your right side and then turn right. Enter the Millennium Center building (on your left side) and take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd floor. HR dept. of ICRC is on the right side. Ring the bell „Personální odbor ICRC/HR ICRC“.

After arriving at the Hybešova tram stop continue straight down the street to the Millenium Center building (Hybešova street no. 42). Then take the passageway to enter the courtyard. The door of the building part B is in the left back corner and is marked with a blue letter B. Enter and take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd floor. HR dept. of ICRC is on the right side. Ring the bell „Personální odbor ICRC/HR ICRC“.

			FNUSA building

Enter to FNUSA

			Map to the FNUSA-ICRC building

The way from the tram stop Hybešova